Saturday, February 14, 2015

Nothing Says 'I Love You' Like the Gift of an Exercise Bike

If you haven't seen American Beauty, then what are you doing with your life?

As an early Valentine's Day gift, I received an exercise bike. Technically my roommate (i.e. mom) and I are sharing it. I had all these plans to slim down and tone up for summer so I could have this bangin' bikini body. Well, let me just tell you. That ain't gonna happen. This machine is the bane of my existence. It's terrible! I eye it with contempt every time I walk by it.

I used to be one of those girls that genuinely enjoyed working out. Then it was like a flip was switched, and I turned that act around and became one of you normal people. I feel like I'm dying every time I give it a go. Five minutes in, and I'm gasping for breath and massaging my quivering thigh muscles. 

I'm out of shape. Believe me, I know. But that was never a secret. Going from sitting at a desk all day to sitting on my ass on the couch all night does not exactly scream IN SHAPE to me either. But this is HARD. I feel like I'm biking up a never ending steep hill with no flat land in sight. And believe me, I've turned the resistance down as low as it will go.

I know if I keep at it (and that's a big if), then it will get easier. But dang, I'm just trying to get past 5 minutes on the machine before I feel like I'm going to drop over dead. Getting in shape is not for the impatient people in life.

Maybe I should have just asked for a box of chocolates for Valentine's Day and been done with it. Calories be damned. 


  1. i actually really want an exercise bike! i don't get much exercise at all so i think it might motivate me to do a bit more

    xx danielle // shades of danielle // bloglovin

    1. I chose that over a gym membership! I'm lazy, and the thought of venturing out into the cold to go to the gym did not sound appealing at all.

  2. Hey there! I just stumbled across your blog and wanted to give you a push of motivation. You can totally do it! If not the bike, why not try out a new class that you might really like and look forward to? I wasn't really feeling the gym lately either but I've been really interested in these rock climbing classes, yoga or acroyoga!

    <3 You can do it girl, baby steps. 

    1. Thanks for the push and motivation! I switch between the bike and workout least for now. I think when it gets warmer I'll venture out to some classes or at least go outside a little more haha
