Monday, January 20, 2014

I've kissed a lot of frogs, so where's my prince?

So another girl I went to school with is engaged. I saw it on Facebook yesterday, and another little piece of me died on the inside. Okay, so that's really dramatic and not all that accurate, but it did bum me out a little bit. She's three years younger than me, my brother's age, so in my eyes, she's practically a baby!

Since graduating, I've already been invited to three weddings, all girls that were in my class. I'm happy for them. I really am! But as the wedding invitations stack up, I can't help but wonder when and if it will ever be my turn. Growing up, I vowed to never get married. Boys were icky and relationships were messy. When I was little, I never played house, I hated dolls, and if you bought me a Ken doll or any of the Barbie children, I would throw them in the bottom of my toy chest and never touch them. To be honest, I haven't changed much from that Ken hating child. Boys can still be icky, and relationships can still be messy. I'm still unsure on if I ever want to get married, or if marriage is even cut out for me. Several guys have come and gone, but I've never even had a serious boyfriend! After a particular bad date or another failed relationship, I find myself asking myself "what's wrong with me?"

And the answer is nothing. Nothing is wrong with me.

I'm just single. It's not a death sentence nor does it mean I need to go ahead and subscribe to Modern Cat magazine. I don't even like cats! Being single doesn't define me, like being married doesn't define a person. It's just your relationship status. That's it. I'm not single because I'm too picky. I'm not single because I'm too tall. I'm not single because I live at home with my mom. I'm not single because I wear makeup to the grocery store. I'm not single because I'm not a huge fan of nature. I'm not single because I'm too quiet. I'm not single because I'm a horrible driver. I'm not single because I wouldn't sleep with that guy after the fifth date. I'm not single because I kissed that guy when I was drunk at the bar.

I'm not single for all of the bs reasons people like to throw at me. I'm single because I haven't found my person yet. I haven't found the guy who thinks the sun is shining out of my ass even when I'm having a horrible day. I haven't found the man that will make me want to become a better woman. We haven't found each other yet. It's as simple as that.

And I'm not going to look for him. What is it that people say? You always find things when you stop searching for them? So until that time comes, I'm single, and I'm okay with that.


  1. Oh my gosh, I LOVE this post! So many girls I went to high school with are engaged, married, or married with kids! And I go to USC, so the number of engaged/married girls I see on the regular (in class and my sorority) is crazy. Like what?! I'm the same way as you--a lot of guys have come and gone, but I've never had a serious boyfriend, and it makes me so insecure! I always wonder what's wrong with me, but like you said, being single is not a death sentence. I'm sure my day will come when I meet the right guy, but that day isn't today, and I'm ok with that. Great post!

    1. Thank you so much for reading! I'm glad you could relate! I actually don't mind being single most of the time. It's just hard when my attached friends or my family pity me because I don't have a boyfriend. It's ridiculous haha.

  2. I love this post! Seems like everyone left, right and centre is getting engaged! And Facebook just seems to make it worse! People younger than me! Like you said, very happy for everyone, but at the same time, I don't want to be thought of as any less just because you are married/in a relationship and think you're suddenly better.

    1. Thanks so much for reading! I'm glad other people can relate!

  3. I absolutely love this post- a lot of people post about what being single means, and what getting married young means, but no one talks about what it DOESN'T mean! It's so refreshing to read a post like this that isn't mean or insecure! It takes a really great person to articulate something like this, and (like you said) some day you and that guy will find each other and he will appreciate said greatness :)
